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While Tender Self-Compassion is defined by Dr. Kristin Neff as the practice of “accepting ourselves to alleviate suffering,” Fierce Self-Compassion is about “taking action to alleviate suffering.”


Through years of doing mind-body healing work on myself and with hundreds of clients, I’ve noticed that one the biggest "blocks" to integrating the information and actually showing up differently in our lives is that we attempt to take action, but often not from a loving or compassionate place. We end up fighting against ourselves; it’s no wonder we feel stuck.


In order for behavior change to feel safe and be sustainable, we have to team up with ourselves, be willing to tell the truth, sit with the (sometimes uncomfortable) feelings we experience, and not let the inner critic take over. It’s not kind to be hurtful and abusive toward ourselves when it comes to making change, and it also isn’t kind to deny, neglect, or ignore how we contribute to our own suffering and discomfort. This is where fierce self-compassion comes in. 


Including education about what fierce self-compassion is and how to practice it as well as integrative activities to support your integration of the material in real time, this 2-hour workshop recording was designed to provide guidance on how you can move forward with taking aligned action toward your goals in a healthy and loving way. 


You will learn to...


  • Non-judgmentally and honestly meet yourself exactly where you are with acceptance, love, and empathy (embody tender self-compassion to support inner healing)


  • Practice mindfulness around what’s working for you right now (as well as what isn’t) and identify what you’d like to do about it


  • Move toward your long-term well-being by supporting you in drawing boundaries, making changes, and taking action (exercising fierce self-compassion to make outer change).

Fearless Self-Compassion for Taking Aligned Action

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